Sunday mornings.

Sunday mornings are a time set apart exclusively for the Lord. It's a time to worship, pray, and hear God's Word together.

Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:30am. 

We currently have classes for adults, youth and school-aged children. We also have LifeGroups and Wednesday Night Prayer Group that are meeting! Email us for updated information - or if you need nursery care during the Sunday School hour.

The Worship Service is at 10:30am. 

Our blended music is led by a worship team and includes band driven contemporary music and hymns. We also have a Worship Choir that sings regularly. Through our worship and relevant Bible messages from Pastor Bill, we seek to reflect His glory in our lives and time together. Our service typically lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes.

Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable to worship the Lord your God, whether it be casual, formal, or anywhere in between!  It is our hope and prayer that you feel free and comfortable to worship with us as a part of our family.

We know that walking into a room full of people you don't know can be intimidating, but we are so excited to meet you! You can expect gracious people to help you, your family, and your friends find your way around and answer any questions you have. If you have any questions right now, please click here to send us an email. When you visit, please fill out a connect card found in the bulletin so that we can get to know you better! 


(Childcare for babies through three year old is now available.)

When you arrive, babies and toddlers can be taken directly to the well-staffed nursery in the back Education Building. 

Older children (through 5th grade) will be in our GRACEKids Children's Church (also held in the Education Building.)  The kids are dismissed from the worship service right before the sermon to the Children's Church program. 

If you'd like to keep your children with you during the service, coloring books and crayons are available in the foyer at the church entrance. 

Save time at church and pre-register your child(ren) for the nursery, Sunday School, or Children's Church.

If you have any questions before you come, contact Heather Wilson, our Children's Ministry Coordinator!

A quick look.

Click here to listen to our recent sermons.

See sample of a sermon and worship set by viewing our services online either on our website or on our Facebook page.