
We believe that meeting together and serving the Lord through our ministries is a natural outpouring of our faith.

The fellowship offered in the groups is invaluable. Scroll down for more information and get involved today!


Several life groups meet in homes throughout the year from GraceChurch to study God's Word and build relationships with one another. We also have ladies' class or the mixed-adult Sunday School class that meets in the Education Building at 9:30 am. Go to our Life Group page or Contact Pastor John for more information.

Prayer ministry

We believe that prayer lays the foundation to everything we do at GraceChurch. Please join us on Wednesday nights for our prayer meeting. We are meeting in the sanctuary with the option to join us virtually from 6:30-7:30pm. If you have any questions, contact Christi Farley at

To be added to our prayer list, please email here.

CLICK HERE to join the "Zoom meeting" Wednesday's at 6:30 pm.

children's ministry

Nursery is open for babies-preschool. Older children (through 5th grade) are dismissed to Children's Church right before the sermon.

We love children here at GraceChurch and have a variety of age appropriate activities. Sunday School for kids of all school-aged children is at 9:30am in the educational building. Then, kids head to Children's Church (through 5th grade) during the 10:30am Worship service.  (Dismissed before the sermon.)

Occasionally, older children will remain with their families. Other activities such as Vacation Bible School, Easter Egg Hunt and Trunk-or-Treat are planned throughout the year. Contact us at with any questions!

If you'd like to pre-register your kids for Sunday School, Children's Church or the nursery before your visit, click here.

Youth Ministry

We teach and encourage our youth to find the truth of Jesus Christ and salvation, so that they can be strong witnesses for the Lord in their lives. Our youth group meets on Sunday mornings for Bible Study at 9:30am  The youth also have several other events planned throughout the year. Email, if you have any questions!

Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry at GraceChurch seeks to build relationships and support for one another through various activities and Bible Studies. Please, contact Christi Farley with any questions or ideas for the group! Check out the calendar page for current events.

Men's ministry

The Men's Ministry at GraceChurch seeks to lift up and support men through various activities: bowling, fellowship meals, work projects, and sporting events.  

Foundational verse: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

For more information, contact Joe Bernard.


Our seniors usually meet in the sanctuary on Tuesday afternoons at 1 pm for Bible Study. (Check calendar to confirm.) They also seek to serve others in our community, by providing visitation and spiritual outreach. For more information, contact Meredith Chase.  (The group is not meeting currently.)

Music ministry

Our worship team is very intentional about leading our church in worship that is first and foremost God-honoring, but also relevant and meaningful for our community. Our worship choir also participates in the service on a regular basis. Contact our Worship Leader, Mary Kay Bernard, if you have any questions about our ministry.  


GraceChurch is engaged in the ministry of sharing Jesus globally and supports several foreign missionaries. We have organized several mission trips over the years and have partnerships with missionaries in Thailand, Ethiopia, and the Middle East.

For more information about missionaries that we directly support, visit our Mission Page.

community outreach

We strive to serve families and share Jesus in our local community.  We reach out with programs and events such as an Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School, Trunk-or-Treat and the Hope Project (food distribution and spiritual counsel to seniors at Forest Oaks Apartments).  For more information on any of these programs, email

Note: Our food distribution is limited. For a list of local food pantries, please CLICK HERE.

Church softball team

Every spring GraceChuch plays in the Richland County softball league! Contact Coach Christi to be a part of this awesome co-ed team! You just need to be 18 years old - no experience necessary. We'll even provide the equipment. For more information, email Christi.