GRace Missions

GraceChurch of Columbia supports missionary efforts through the Cooperative Program, the Columbia Metro Baptist Association, and by taking special offerings (such as the Lottie Moon Offering and the Annie Armstrong Offering.) We also directly support several missionaries affiliated with our membership - locally, in the states, and internationally. Scroll below to meet them. Please, keep their ministries in your prayers!

CHristi farley

Christi is a Cru staff member at the University of South Carolina ministering to college students. (Formerly Campus Crusade.) She is also an active member of GraceChurch.

Support Christi at

Learn more about the various Cru ministries around USC's campus at

Click here for Christi's recent newsletter.

Abeneazer urga & Jessie Udall

Abeneazer, Jessie, Daniel and Sophia

Serve in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

To receive their newsletters and join their prayer team, send an email to

To partner financially, visit

or send checks to: 

Equip Inc, PO Box 1126 Marion, NC 28752

Gemmen family

Al and Lisa Gemmen, along with their four children (Josiah, Gideon, Falande and Sonia) minister to the residents of Grand Rapids, MI. "Our immediate area is mixed between immigrants from various Central and South American countries and a wide-range of economic and ethnic backgrounds. We are praying about starting a missional InnerCHANGE team in the future and will continue to invest in our local community as God leads."

Read their recent update here.

If you'd like to support their ministry click here and type in Gemmen.